السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Halal is an topic of great significance to Sweetzone and for many of our customers. We take great care to ensure our products are free from non-halal gelatin, colours such as E120 (Carmine/Cochineal), and other haraam ingredients sourced from non-halal animals.
Sweetzone is one of a few companies in the world with a massive range of high quality, nicely packaged products with the added assurance that they are all, without exception, 100% halal and suitable for the Muslim market. We don’t make anything that is not halal.
Our range of jelly sweets, chews, marshmallows, bubble-gum and liquorice lines are all certified by HMC.
HMC and Sweetzone have worked together for many years and HMC certification is widely recognised as the gold standard within the UK when it comes to halal certification.